K4LST QTH Current WX

Project - Echolink Remote Repeater Node with ICOM IC-9700

Since getting my repeater on the air, I've been thinking of ways that I can increase traffic on the machine and possibly link it to other machines to increase the available talk areas.

I decided to use my ICOM IC-9700 to create an Echolink node (sysop mode).  This is not a permanent setup because I don't want to dedicate my IC-9700 to being a full time link radio.  But this was a test to see what's possible using Echolink.  

-I downloaded Echolink and set it up in sysop mode.

-I configured Echolink to use my IC-9700 input and outpud devices.  Oddly enough, the device labels were wrong on my system. The device labeled "Microphone" was actually my 9700 mic codec.  That took a while to troubleshoot.

-I configured Echolink to use VOX on RX Ctrl

-I configured Echolink to use DTR for TX Ctrl.  I had to specify my COM port and select the check box for 9600 bps.

-I set the port forwarding in my router to allow UDP 5198 and 5199.

-I set other various sysop settings such as ID 

-I lowered my TX power of my IC-9700, set it in FM-D mode, enabled DTR for USB, and set it on my repeater frequency pair.

-I tested with Echolink on my iPhone.

-I've tested by connecting to a few conferences and such and all seems to be working fine.

Next, I'll build a cheap Baofeng link radio so I don't tie up my shack rig.

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