K4LST QTH Current WX

Monday, January 27, 2025

Another QTH Change - Going back to Habersham County

A couple years ago, I wrote about moving from a subdivision with an HOA in Habersham County to 1.37 acres of unrestricted land in Banks County.  Unfortunately, my wife and I have not enjoyed living in Banks County.  We have decided to move again and go back to Habersham County.  I am working there, my youngest son goes to daycare there, I see a doctor there...I even use a pharmacy in Habersham.  The housing market is not great right now.  There are not many properties that "check all the boxes" and the few that do are a little steep.  Mixing these prices with the interest rates that are still quite high means it is tough to find something that will work.

For now, we have decided to move to a house that is literally right down the road from the one we sold in August of 2022. It is not ideal for my ham radio hobby to be in a subdivision with an HOA. There are no antennas restrictions in the neighborhood and I have some ideas about what antennas might work from the new QTH.

Winter Field Day 2025: Operating with LARC from North Georgia

I operated Winter Field Day 2025 with the Lanierland Amateur Radio Club in North Georgia.  We setup 2 communications trailers with ham radio gear and had a blast making contacts during the contest.  We even got to meet the "Radio Police" on the air!  Watch the video below...

Monday, January 13, 2025

My thoughts on the Yaesu FT-65

I just got a Yaesu FT-65!  It's the latest addition on my journey get active in the hobby again.  Here's a video showing what I like about this HT and a few things that I dislike about it after my first few weeks of using it.

73 de K4LST sk

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