K4LST QTH Current WX

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Picked Up an HF Amplifier

As luck would have it, right in the midst of trying to complete my Tower and Yagi project I ran across a great deal on an HF amplifier.  While meeting with one of the most well known hams in the area Terry Jones (W4TL) to discuss other matters, he casually mentioned that he had an amplifier for sale.  I've been trying to decide for a while now if I want an amplifier or just continue running 100 watts.  I had decided that if I was going to get an amplifier it would have to be an Ameritron AL-811H.  Well wouldn't you just know that is the exact amplifier that Terry had for sale.  We discussed price on Friday and I picked it up from his QTH on Sunday. 

The amplifier fits nicely in the shack, but I still need some coax jumpers and a 10-pin to Phono plug cable to be able to use it.  I consider myself a casual operator and I felt like just getting the Yagi would help me get a few more countries in the log.  I really wasn't going to add an amplifier until after the Yagi project is done and I've had some time with it.  I have no idea how much I'll use the amp, but it was a good deal and I'm glad to own a piece of equipment that belonged to W4TL.  

73 de KG4LST sk 

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