K4LST QTH Current WX

Friday, June 15, 2018

Worked Mexico on 6m E-Skip - XE3N

Last night at almost 9:30PM, I was using the computer in the ham shack. I noticed that I kept hearing some distant stations breaking the squelch on 2m FM on my scanner.  This is usually a good indication of E-Skip propagation. I checked the solar terrestrial data from N0NBH and it confirmed that there was Sporadic E Skip on multiple bands.

I tuned over to the 6m FT8 frequency and listened for signals. I heard some weak signals.  WSJT-X decoded XE3N calling CQ from grid EL60 in Mexico.  I answered his call and we were able to work the QSO and I logged it.  The conditions were not very strong and I only decoded a few other stations that were all fairly close. I tried working one more, but I lost conditions and couldn't finish the QSO.  Since it was late, I went QRT after working just that 1 station.  

I have previously only worked stateside and Canada on 6m.  I was glad to get a new county in the log on that band.  Geographically though, XE3N in Mexico was closer to my QTH than the contacts I made in California recently.

KG4LST 6m contacts as of 6/15/2018

73 and good DX de KG4LST sk

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